The Instructors of LLOSCU
To become an instructor within LLOSCU there are certain requirements that need to be fulfilled. The requirement for the instructor titles are decided by the disciplin committee of LLOSCU.
Da Sifu
Da Sifu Louis Linn.
Sifu Lainy Linn, 6th Chieh, Stockholm Wushu Academy.
Sifu Peter Renström, 6th Chieh, Skövde Wushu
Sifu Tomas Törnkvist, 6th Chieh, Skövde Wushu
Lao Shih
Lao Shih Dennis Guerrero, 5th Chieh, Stockholms Wushu Akademi.
Lao Shih Ola Törnkvist, 5th Chieh, Skövde Wushu
Lao Shih Paulina Wysotzky Davegårdh, 4th Chieh, Stockholms
Wushu Akademi.
Da Zhu Jiao
Instructor Titles
大 師 父 (d� shī f�) Da Sifu (Master Sifu, Grand Master) is the Chief Instructor and is the responsible for the development and translation of the style O Shin Chuen.
師 父 (shī f�) Sifu (Master teacher) is certified to an instructor who has 6th Chieh, trained more than 25 years, has been an instructor for at least 20 years, and administrated O Shin Chuen in an association for at least 20 years.
老 師 (lǎo shī) Lao Shih (Teacher) is certified to an instructor who has at least 4th Chieh, trained more than 15 years, has been an instructor for at least 10 years and participated in the adminstration for at least 10 years.
大 助 教 (d� zh� ji�o) Da Zhu Jiao (Senior Assistant teacher) is certified to an instructor who has at least 2nd Chieh, trained more than 8 years, has been an instructor for at least 5 years and participated in the adminstration for at least 5 years.
助 教 (zh� ji�o) Zhu Jiao (Assistant teacher) is certified to an instructor who has at least 2nd Chieh, trained more than 6 years, has been an instructor for at least 3 years.
小 助 教 (xiǎo zh� ji�o) Xiao Zhu Jiao (Junior assistant teacher) is an instructor who has at least 1st Chieh, participated in at least two instructor courses and has been a practising instructor for at least 3 terms.
實 習 助 教 (shí xí zh� ji�o) Shi Xi Zhu Jiao (Practise assistant teacher) is an instructor who has at least 1st Chieh and participated in at least one instructor course.