Welcome to Louis Linn O Shin Chuen Union
Två nya 5th Chieh-are

Congratulations to our two new 5th Chieh holders: Laoshi Ola Törnkvist from Skövde Wushuförening and Laoshi Dennis Guerrero from Stockholms Wushu Akademi.
The 5th Chieh examination was performed at Stockholms Wushu Akademi on Saturday 5 October 2024. The examinator was Da Sifu Louis Linn.
Summer Camp Ånnaboda 2024

The highlight of the year is our annual training camps, Summer Camp, where all our members get the chanceto learn techniques directly from the founder and our chief instructor Da Sifu Louis Linn. At the camp he shares his experiencesand knowledge of 70 years within martial arts and the stlye of O Shin Chuen.
Taiwan Camp 2023

Louis Linn O Shin Chuen Union first training camp in Taiwan, 26 June - 9 July 2023. The camp was not only to sweat and train in 25 dgrees heat, it was also to explore and enjoy both the food and the beautiful nature.
Maybe you will join us next time to Taiwan? :-)
Breaking Weekend Course Spring 2023

A weekend course in breaking techniques was held in Stockholm on Saturday 11 March, 2023, with members from both Stockholm and Sk&övde. Pictures of the event is available on Stockholm Wushu Academys website.
Da Sifu teaches Titan sweep techniques
Da Sifu Louis Linn teaches Titan sweep techniques at the A2 groups training, 7 November 2019. Don't miss the end of the video where Da Sifu explains and demonstrates the application of Titan.
Gradings Spring of 2019

Congratulations to all the graduates from the gradings of spring term of 2019. See the pictures in Stockholm Wushu Academys website >>
A New Laoshi
Laoshi Dennis Guerrero with chief instructor and founder Da Sifu Louis Linn
Congratulations! On Saturday 27 January 2018 Dennis Guerrero, 4th Chieh, from Stockholm Wushu Academy, was certified Laoshi. He has been a member of Stockholm Wushu Academy since 2002 and instructor since 2005. Besides techings he has been active in demonstrations and other events.
Open House in Stockholm
We celebrated our chief instructor and founder Da Sifu Louis Linn with an Open House activity in Stockholm. The Open House presented an exhibition with Da Sifus long history and life time work within Martial Arts, and the instructors and advanced members from Stockholm and Skövde performed some O Shin Chuen Kung Fu. Many visitors came to see the exhibition and the performance and also got the chance to ask Da Sifu Louis Linn questions. All the cake and alomst all the cookies were finished when the doors closed at 17:00. We thank all the visitors for your kind support and warm words on this special day.
Da Sifu Louis Linn 70 years

Da Sifu Louis Linn celebrated his 70th birthday on 22 September and we celebrated with a nnice dinner at the Operakällaren.
O Shin Chuen Kung Fu Show at Sergelstorg

O Shin Chuen Kung Fu Show at Sergelstorg in Stockholm on June 27, 2017.
Camp 2017

The 41st training camp for the Louis Linn O Shin Chuen Union invited for plenty of training under the sun and close contact with the nature. The camp had members from Stockholm Wushu Academy and Skövde Wushu Förening, in all levels and ages; from beginners to instructors, from 9 years old to 69 years old.
Once more an inspiring and fulfilling training camp where chief instructor Da Sifu Louis Linn generously shares his experiences and knowledge within martial arts. It is up to us on catching up and digest all the marvelous things he is teaching us.
Click on the image to see some pictures from the summer camp of 2017.
Weekend Course with Axe
The axe close combat techniques week-end course held in Stockholm on April 22, 2017, lead by the chief instructor Louis Linn. Click on the picture to see the photos from the course.
In the summer camp in June 18-21 in Isaberg, he will continue with this course in the field exercises.
Advanced group Practise Gu� & Gōu techniques
Guà 掛 means "to hang" and Gōu 勾 means "to hook".
Week-end Course in Stockholm October 2016
The Week-end Course with Kun (long staff) held in Stockholm Oct. 22 with Da Sifu Louis Linn filled the room with members of all ages and levels. Kun is considered as the king of weapons and Da Sifu taught practical use of the Kun, defense and attack techniques in form and with applications.
Week-end Course in Stockholm June 2016
Grading tests in Stockholm May 2016
Week-end Course in Stockholm April 2016
Instructors Course January 2015
Every year the instructor's skills in O Shin Chuen Kung Fu have to be re-examed and updated, therefore LLOSCU have regular courses with the chief instructor Da Sifu Louis Linn.
Laoshi Tomas Törnkvist, Sifu Peter Renström and Laoshi Jani Minkkinen practising iron bar training.
Da Zhu Jiao Paulina Wysotzky, Da Zhu Jiao Dennis Guerrero and Da Zhu Jiao Ola Törnkvist practising hardening training on stone.
Week-end Course in Skövde Autumn of 2014
Summer Camp 2014
Pictures from the Louis Linn O Shin Chuen Union Summer Camp of 2014, June 15-19, Isaberg.
Week-end Course in Skövde
See the pictures from the week-end course in Skövde 10-11 May 2014.
We're ready for the Spring Term - are you?
Louis Linn O Shin Chuen Union instructor's course for Spring Term 2014, in Skövde 5-6 January
Week-end course Skövde HT2013
Week-end course in Skövde was held 30 Nov-1 Dec, the pictures can be viewed on facebook/Oshinchuenkungfu.
Week-end course Stockholm HT2013
See the pictures from the week-end course in Stockholm, selfdefense with chin na techniques.
Summer Camp 2013
Pictures from the summer camp at facebook/Oshinchuenkungfu.
Skövde Wushu on local TV4
Week-end Course in Skövde 11-12 May
The week-end course in Skövde included weapon techniques - short stick with knife and long stick - and O Shin Chuen with the emphasis on kick techniques. See the pictures from the week-end course 11-12 May 2013.
2013 International Shuai Jiao Tournament
It has been an international tournament in Yixing in China March 22-24. The Swedish Shuai Jiao Union participated with two competitors, Laoshi Jani Minkkinen in the men's under 68 kg-class and Zhu Jiao Marcus Johansson in the men's under 82 kg-class. Both of them qualified into the international ranking system.
Pictures and videos on our facebook page Oshinchuenkungfu.
Selfdefense Course Feb 16, 2013
The week-end course February 16, 2013 in Stockholm with Da Sifu Louis Linn was all about O Shin Chuen Kung Fu fighting and self-defense techniques.
See the pictures from the self-defense fighting course Feb., 16 2013.
Instructor's course Spring 2013
The instructor's course of spring of 2013 was held in Stockholm 19-20 January. Pictures from the instructor's course Spring term of 2013
Hardening & Breaking Course
Louis Linn O Shin Chuen Union hosted a hardening and breaking course with Da Sifu for the members of Stockholm Wushu Academy Saturday 1 December 2012, from beginners to advanced members. The pictures from the hardening and breaking course 2012-12-01
3 GOLD to Sweden

The Swedish competitors did well in the 2012 International Chinese Shuai Jiao Tournament - Chang Tung-Sheng Memorial in Italy , 24th November 2012. They all took one gold medal each. Congratulations to Ida Wallin (Skövde WF), Marcus Johansson (Skövde WF) and Paulina Wysotzky (Stockholms WA).
Result O Shin Chuen Kung Fu Competitions
Skövde Wushuförening hosted a competition on Saturday 10th November 2012. There were competitors from Skövde and Stockholm that met in Light and Semi contact Bo jyi (free fight) and Shuai Jiao for juniors, gentlemen and ladies. There were many happy faces among the competitors and the audience watching the matches. Videos will be posted later on, so please return soon again. The photo album from the competitions.
Here are the results:
Light contact Bo jyi, small juniors
- Gold: Benjamin Johansson, Stockholms Wushu Akademi
- Silver: Natan Salmonson Schaad, Stockholms WA
- Bronze: Tawer Ishaq, Skövde Wushu Förening
Light contact Bo jyi, big juniors
- Gold: Victor Rydén, Skövde WF
- Silver: Gustav Hässel, Skövde WF
- Bronze: Nora Östholm, Skövde WF
Semi contact Bo jyi, gentlemen
- Gold: John Gullborn, Stockholms WA
- Silver: Hampus Axelsson, Skövde WF
- Bronze: Jacob Falk, Stockholms WA
Semi contact Bo jyi, ladies
- Gold: Ida Wallin, Skövde WF
- Silver: Gabriella Wrigholm, Skövde WF
Shuai Jiao, ladies
- Gold: Paulina Wysotzky, Stockholms WA
- Silver: Ida Wallin, Skövde WF
O Shin Chuen fight Seminar
The O Shin Chuen fight Seminar with Da Sifu Linn included varoius fight-techniques from low kicks, groin kicks, Chin na and hand techniques. 2012-10-13
Ti Tan training
The Thursday training September 27, 2012, was a tough training for the advanced members in Stockholm. Da Sifu taught a speciality of O Shin Chuen Kung fu,
Ti Tan. A training that made our knees week and shaky the day after for all of us.
Pictures from the Ti Tan training. Video from the Ti Tan training.
Da Sifu Louis Linn 65 years

On Saturday September 22, 2012, we celebrated Da Sifu's 65th birthday. It was a joyous occasion with good food and many happy faces.
See the pictures from Da Sifu Louis Linn's 65th birthday celebration and hear
the tribute song, Thank you for the Training, performed by instrucors of Skövde Wushuförening.
Instructor's Course HT2012
The instructor's course of autumn 2012 included training in teaching methods and techniques for the instructors to improve themselves in all levels, from basic techniques to forms and form applications.
The 6th China Camp, 2012
Louis Linn O Shin Chuen Unionen-Svenska Wushu förbundet invited members to the sixth China Camp since the first in 1992. We were 75 participants that followed to Beijing and Shanghai for sightseeing and a very profitable training with Da Sifu Linn, a record number since the start of training camps in China. You can read more about the training camp in the China camp blog at chineseboxing.se (in Swedish), latest post 2012-07-31.
Photos and videos are on its way, we have many pictures so it will take some time. As soon as the material is ready we will post it here and on facebook.com/Oshinchuenkungfu
An album from the sightseeing the day, with group 1. China Camp 2012 - Arrival in Beijing and the Forbidden City.
Week-end course with Tsoan-tje-kun & fight techniques

2012-05-12 & 13: Skövde Wushuförening invited the members of LLOSCU to a week-end course with Da Sifu. Saturday included weapontraining with Tsoan-tje-kun to the delight of many members. Sunday had two sessions, the first with the instructors and the second session included advanced and intermediate groups that got a course in fight techniques. See the pictures from the week-end course in Skövde 12-13 May 2012.
Instructor's course Spring 2012
Picture: Instructor's course for spring term of 2012 was held in Skövde. Thank you Skövde Wushu förnening for the good arrangement.
The Way of O Shin Chuen
The page of O Shin Chuen is updated with the three elements that is essential to understand in order to master the style. See O Shin Chuen.
Week-end course in Skövde
2011-12-10&11: Skövde Wushu Förening invited the members to a week-end course with Da Sifu. See the video of Da Sifu teaches the O Shin Chuen shock punch to the advanced members of Skövde WF and read the article in Skövde Nyheter.
Extra Instructor's course
Pictures from the instructor's course in Skövde.
O Shin Chuen week-end course
Pictures from the O Shin Chuen week-end course.
Sifu Linn-page updated with film from 1973
The page of Sifu Linn is updated with a fight scene from his film On
The Verge Of Death, check it out.
O Shin Chuen week-end course
Pictures from the week-end course in O Shin Chuen.
High Grade course
Pictures from the Elite Grade course with sweep.
Summer Camp 2011 - pics
Dien Shue course
2011-05-29: Dien Shue vital striking course with Da Sifu for the elite instructors. Da Sifu show one finger vital striking. See pics >>
Week-end course in Skövde
Week-end course was held at Skövde Wushu Förening with O Shin Chuen, broadsword
and Chin Na led by Da Sifu Linn. See
the pictures >>
Ti Tan Lo Han course at SWA
Ti Tan Lo Han course was held at Stockholm Wushu Academy led by Da Sifu Linn. See
the pictures >>
Kung Fu Show by SWA at KTH in Stockholm
Kung Fu Show at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm,
the pictures >>
Breaking Course in Stockholm
Breaking course in Stockholm,
the pictures >>
Courses in Skövde
Pictures from the Free Fight Course in Skövde, see
the pictures >>
2011-03-05: Extra instructor's course, see the pictures >>
Upgraded Instructor's Titel
2011-02-25: Paulina Wysotzky of Stockholms Wushu Akademi has achieved the
instructor's titel of Da Zhu Jiao. Instructors page »
Year of the Rabbit celebration at KTH 4 Feb 2011
WA was invited to perform Kung Fu at the Chinese New Year celebration at
the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, in Stockholm. See
the pictures »
Congratulations to New 2nd Chieh Members
Five members passed the 2nd
Chieh test of autumn term of 2010.
2010-12-11 in Skövde:
Marcus Johansson, who then qualified to the instructor title of
Zhu Jiao; and Markus Andersson.
2010-12-13 in Stockholm: Paramjeet-Sandhu Singh.
2010-12-16 in Stockholm:
Stefan Alariksson; and Fredrik Hansen-Fure.
The Instructor's page is updated
Two practising instructors, Xiao Zhu Jiao, have been added on the instructor's list. Instructors page»
Short Stick Course in Skövde
Wushu Förening invited members to a week-end course in short stick with
Da Sifu 11-12 December 2010.
the pictures»
Self Defense Course in Stockholm
A self defense course was held at Stockholm Wushu Academy 20 November 2010.
See the pictures »
Honourable Sifu Awarded
Larsson was awarded the title of Honourable Sifu on 16 October 2010.
A member since 1978 he served as Head Instructor in Skövde Wushu Förening
during the 1980s and 1990s and is today still active in training. He has
been added to the Instructors page»
Instructor's Course in Skövde
Skövde WF invited for an instructor's course with Da Sifu 15-16 October
2010. See the pictures »
Combat Shuai Jiao Course in Skövde
A Combat Shuai Jiao course with Da Sifu was held in Skövde 15 October 2010.
See the pictures »
Chin Na Course in Stockholm
Na course, the art of seizing, was held i Stockholm with Da Sifu 9 October
2010. See the pictures »
Louis Linn's biography is also available in Wikipedia.
Louis Linn O Shin Chuen Union is an organisation for members that practise Sifu Louis Linn's family style Hokkien (Fujian) Shaolin O Shin Chuen. The organisation was founded in 1977.
LLOSCU arrange courses, training camps and grading exams for the members.
Courses and Training Schedules 2024
Term trainings
Stockholm Wushu Academy (OshinchuenKungfu.se)
new term start 26 August
Skövde Wushu Förening (wushu.se)
new term start 19 August
Weekend Courses 2024
Stockholm Wushu Academy 5 October
Skövde Wushu Förening next will be in the beginning of December.
Grading Exams 2024
Stockholm - in December
Skövde - in December
Summer Camp 2025
Summer camp 2025 will be in Ånnaboda, Örebro, 15-18 June, 2025. More information will be published as soon as we have all the details.
See the pictures from the last summer camp on Stockholm Wushu Academys webpage >>